Triskelion Norway

Thomas and Steve in meeting with University of Colombo’s key managers

On the 26th of November 2024, Triskelion’s staff Thomas Nilsen & Steve Smith along with Kristianstad University’s vice-chancellor Håkan Pihl and Dr Martin Persson, met up with University of Colombo’s vice-chancellor Hettige Don Karunaratne and 5 of the deans of different faculties to discuss future collaboration and to sum up the outcomes and lessons learned from the nEUROcare project

Day 2 of the nEUROcare conference

The second day of the nEUROcare conference ended on the 27th of November with a panel discussion on challenges in nEURO care in Sri Lanka. The first part of the day had the following program:

Keynote speech 
Prof Steve Smith 
Triskelion Norway
Address by representative Alzhimers international 
Alzheimers internatioanal 
Adress by a Geriatric Nurse 
Ms.  PACL Dayarathna 
Sri Jayewardenapura General Hospital 
Dr.Marilena Mousoulidou
Neapolis University Pafos
Neurology and medical care of neurodegenerative disorders
University of Ljubljana 
Implementation and Evaluation
Prof.Martin Persson 
Kristianstad University 

Day 1 of the nEUROcare conference

The first day of the 2nd nEUROcare conference ended with huge success. The conference had over 550 registred participants from academic staff and students. The conference were initiated by lighting of the traditional oil lamp followed by Colombo university students performing the traditional Sri Lankan dance. The opening speeches were done by esteemed guests Håkan Pihl from HKR Sweden, the high commissioner from New Zealand mr David Gregor Pine and Dr Barana Millavithana from the Sri Lankan Geriatric medical association.

The lectures of the first day were:

Person-centered care Ms.Emma Edberg Matei University of Kristianstad
Clinical assessment and outcome measurement   Ms. D.A.R.K. Dasanayaka University of Peradeniya 
Oral health  Dr. Riina Runnel University of Tartu 
Comprehensive Care Approach for Patients with Neurodegenerative Disorders for Improved quality of life in the Sri Lankan Context Prof Nirmala Rathnayake  University of Ruhuna 
Neurology and medical care of neurodegenerative disorders Ms. Rupa Padmini  University of Colombo 
Oral Health  Dr. Andres Köster   University of Tartu 
Prevention of Neurodegenerative Disorders . It is possible   Ülle krikmann University of  Tatu 
Palliative Care in Neurodegenerative Disorders Dr Dinithi Vidanage  General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
Comprehensive Care for People with Neurodegenerative Disorders  Prof Steve Smith  Triskelion
Neurology and medical care of neurodegenerative disorders Profesor  Gorazd  Drevenšek University of Ljubljana 
Neurology and medical care of neurodegenerative disorders  Ms.Chandrani Herth  University of Colombo 
Person centered care   Dr. A.M.S.D.Pathiranage University of Peradeniya 
Psychology  Dr. Elly Anastasiades  Neapolis University Pafos
Rehabilitation of Communication Abilities in Patients with Neurodegenerative Disorders: Enhancing Connectivity and quality of life in the Sri Lankan Context   Dr Premuditha Kariwasam  University of Ruhuna 
Family and societal perspectives   Dr Maliga Wijesisri  General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University

2nd nEUROcare project Dissemination and Education Conference in Sri Lanka

“Expanding the Horizons for neurocare in Sri Lanka”

Triskelion staff steve Smith will be keynote speaker, and Gareth Davies will also present at the conference.

Venue: At Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Hosted by nEUROcare team, Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo
On 27th and 28th November 2024

BIIPA consortium meets in Kalopanayiotis

The BIIPA (Body Image and Inclusive Physical Activity) consortium met in Kalopanayiotis village in Pafos district in Cyrprus to finalise the course modules of the the Curriculum Development; the team planned to deliver 15 ECTS credits. Instead, the partner went above and beyond and delivered 20 ECTS credits spread across 14 dynamic courses.

Face Equality training meting in Valencia

The project partners met for the third face to face meeting in Valencia, Spain on 13 and 14th September 2024. All partner countries were represented at the meeting which took place in a university building in the historic centre of Valencia. The meeting was devoted to reviewing work progress to date, getting feedback on the extensive training material developed in the third work package (over 250 pages of lecture notes and exercises) and planning for the final year of the project, including dissemination and showcase events. We were grateful to our hosts – the Hemifacial Microsomia Assocaiton of Spain for organising the venue and coordinating the meetings, and for arranging some lovely meals out. The project is on course and it was also a good opportunity to get input into the reporting required by Erasmus + at the end of the second year of the project.

Minister of health and president of the national assembly visits the nEUROcare “Dialogues in Neurodegenerative diseases” conference

The Health minister of the republic of Slovenia, Prof. Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, visited the conference and adressed the needs of developing comprehensive care programs for people affected by Neurodegenerative diseases. Her fields of expertise are health outcome measurement and the development of healthcare quality indicators and value-based care. Before being appointed Minister of Health of the Republic of Slovenia on 13 October 2023, she held the position of the State Secretary at the Ministry of Health.

The conference was also addressed by Urška Klakočar Zupančič , the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. See below.

The president of the republic of Slovenia addresses nEUROcare conference

Nataša Pirc Musar is a Slovenian attorney and author, serving as President of Slovenia since 2022, and the first female to do so. She addressed the nEUROcare conference through an online statement underlining the importance of the work that we are doing for the target group.

Neurocare conference in Slovenia

The Neurocare project will conduct the conference “Dialogue in Neourodegenerative disorders- care, communication and biomedical challenges” in Ljubljana, Slovenia on the 6th and 7th of June 2024.

If you are interested in participating contact [email protected]
