Triskelion Norway

Minister of health and president of the national assembly visits the nEUROcare “Dialogues in Neurodegenerative diseases” conference

The Health minister of the republic of Slovenia, Prof. Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, visited the conference and adressed the needs of developing comprehensive care programs for people affected by Neurodegenerative diseases. Her fields of expertise are health outcome measurement… Read More

The president of the republic of Slovenia addresses nEUROcare conference

Nataša Pirc Musar is a Slovenian attorney and author, serving as President of Slovenia since 2022, and the first female to do so. She addressed the nEUROcare conference through an online statement underlining the importance of the work that… Read More

Neurocare Conference in Galle, Sri Lanka

In the second week of November specialists from Europe and Sri Lanka meet up in Galle, Sril Lanka for an Erasmus+ Capacity Building supported conference within the theme “Caring for the Elderly with Neurodegenerative disorders”.  Steve Smith and… Read More

Power of Creativity training materials available for download

The Power of Creativity training materials for trainers are now available for download. Result 1 The handbook.     Result 2. The concrete creative activities 

Power of Creativity project- staff training in Riga

The project “Power of Creativity: strengthening the supporting role the adult educators working with disabled” held the joint short term staff training in Riga Latvia in 14.-16. June 2023. 17 participants attended. The partners held practical workshops for… Read More

Final Euroteq meeting in Iasi, Romania

The Euroteq project is coming to and end and the partners met in Iasi, Romania on the 10th of June 2023 to consolidate the final materials and prepare for the final report. 

nEUROcare workshop days in Kandy, Sri Lanka

The nEUROcare team moved from the international conference in Colombo up to Kandy and the University of Peradeniya for a 2-day workshop in the nEUROcare project. Over 50 people gathered to work on aligning the contents of the… Read More

nEUROcare conference at Colombo University

The nEUROcare team presented short extracts of their modules that are being developed for the master’s degree in Neurodegenerative diseases at four Sri Lankan universities during the first international conference on Neurodegenerative diseases ever held in Sri Lanka-… Read More

Face Equality kickoff

The team in the Erasmus+ project FACE EQUALITY- “innovative training in the health, social and volunteering sectors that will empower people with disfigurements to overcome social and psychological challenges in everyday life” met at the head office of the… Read More

Kickoff meeting in Sweden for the BIIPA- Body Image In Physical Activity project

The partners of the BIIPA- Body Image In Physical Activity met for the first time on Saturday 17th December in Bäckaskog Castle outside Kristianstad, Sweden to plan the course that the project has promised to deliver. The project is… Read More