Body Confident Mums
Kristianstad University won another project bid where Triskelion is
Partners are:
- Högskolan Kristianstad, Sweden
- Triskelion, Norway
GENIKO NOSOKOMEIOPAPAGEORGIOU , Greece- European Cleft Organisation, the Netherlands
ECCE conference in Sweden
The European COST action CA 16234 held their last conference of 2019 at Kristianstad University and Backaskog slott outside Kristianstad, Sweden.
The main aim was to discuss how we move forward the action according to MOU, the midterm assessment of the action, introduce a new workgroup leader for group 4 (Felicity Vidya Mehendale) and discuss the training school in Malta. 80 delegates were present. There were lectures on patient-centred care, the Japanese perspective, psychological resilience and different local perspectives in cleft care.
SCR4Cleft kickoff in Rijswijk
The kick-off meeting for a ground breaking new Erasmus+ project has just taken place at the project coordinator’s head office (European Cleft Organisation) in Rijswijk on Wednesday 20 November 2019. 17 participants attended from 9 partner countries including the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Serbia, Norway, Romania, Estonia, Ireland, Italy and Malta. The thee-year project will, for the first time, bring together specialists in speech therapy and psychology to develop an education programme to be delivered by health professionals to parents of children born with clefts. The course will enable parents to identify signs of impairment and offer practical ways of supporting their child who may be experiencing speech and language difficulties and/or psychological challenges associated with their condition. Speech, appearance and psychological adjustment are inextricably linked.
The team were pleased to welcome Danielle Eerenberg of Erasmus+ Netherlands to the meeting which focused on overall objectives, team planning, administrative procedures and monitoring. ECO Executive Director, Gareth Davies, said “I am delighted with the enthusiasm we had around the table from international experts in the field. The partnership is really strong and everyone knows that the real beneficiaries of this project will be the families of children born with clefts” The next meeting will be hosted by the Irish partner in Dublin in May 2020. PARTNERS ARE:
- European Cleft Organisation, The Netherlands
- Associatcia Licevi Anomalii, Bulgaria
- Triskelion, Norway
- Spitalul Clinic De Urgenta Pentru Copii “M. S. Curie”, Romania
- Smile House – Fondazione Operation Smile Italia Onlus
- L-Universita ta’Malta UM
- University of Niš, Serbia
- University of Tartu (UT), Estonia
- Speech at Home, Ireland
News coverage Up&Go Croatia
The Up & Go project
Up&Go project training course in Pula, Croatia
The partnership met in Pula and had a thorough walkthrough of the developed course material in order to get feedback for redesign and finalization. The course intends to teach trainers and volunteers about inclusion of people with down syndrom in physical activity. Local TV station NOVA TV and different newspapers were very interested in the project and was attending.
HI3 training course in Ljubljana
The consortium of the HI3 project met in Ljubljana on the 20th and 21st of September in order to run through a test training of the developed training course. Feedback was collected and the partnership decided how the course should be adapted to local and cultural needs.
Second ACT NOW project second transnational meeting
The second meeting of the EU Erasmus+ funded project “Act Now” was completed at the University of Neapolis in Pafos, Cyprus, on 29 March 2019. The partners from Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Romania and Slovenia presented the National Analyses and the results of their Surveys. The national surveys were conducted based on a questionnaire developed by.
Martin & Gareth -speakers at ECPCA conference
Dr Martin Persson contributed as a speaker at the 14th annual European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association conference in Utrecht, the Netherlands on 12th June 2019. His talk was “Long term outcomes in cleft care – a European approach”.
Gareth Davies also gave a speech on “The European cleft gateway – a directory of cleft resources in Europe”.
The congress brought together experts, practitioners and companies involved in the treatment of cleft lip palate/craniofacial malformations. Professionals attending this congress benefited from high-level scientific presentations, knowledge sharing and networking opportunities, with the overall goal of promoting understanding and treatment of these diseases.