We will conduct our first training school at Univerisity of Malta between 25th to the 27th of March 2019 (9:00 – 17:00 each day). The focus of the training school is patient centred care, with topics such as;
- Patient Experience and Public Involvement
- The subject of ‘patient perspective’ demonstrating the fact that structured patient to patient support can add an extra and invaluable dimension to the care offered by the team
- Research methods and methodological challenges
- Data collection methods & response formats
- Case studies based on clinical and observational experiences
- Who are the marginalised and socially disadvantaged groups in Europe?
- The variation of health care provision in Europe
More information on the training days will be provided shortly, including the venue, recommendations for hotels and the program itself.
Please follow this link to apply to the training school:
or use the QR code below:

You need to submit your application by the 8th of February at the latest.
There are 20 places available for this training school. In allocating places, we will aim for:
– An equitable balance of researchers and practitioners
– An equitable gender balance
– An equal balance of Early Careers Investigators (ECls), and those engaging in lifelong learning
– An equitable geographical distribution of members from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs)
For those participating in the training school, the following financial support and administrative rules apply:
– The reimbursement rate per day is EUR 160 maximum
– Up to EUR 400 may be allocated for the travel expenses (depends on Domestic, near countries, far countries)
– Grant for Trainees can vary depending on the country of the Trainees (e.g. Domestic, near countries, far countries)
– Prior the Training School, the trainees must register on e-COST: https://e-services.cost.eu.
– No advance payments are available: All costs will be reimbursed after the event.
Trainees eligible to be reimbursed:
Trainees must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research.